Heian Nidan Kata Tutorial

Heian Nidan Kata Video Tutorial below this article

Taken from our 8th Kyu Red belt karate examination. https://www.shotokankarateonline.com/our-karate-community-memberships/

Heian Nidan is the second kata of 5 in the 5 Heian Kata series.heian nidan

The second Heian kata has several simultaneous block and strike techniques, it has side snap kick and front kick. 

Heian Nidan is more complicated than Heian Shodan, so time needs to spent on the individual combinations within the kata, for example the first 3 moves, then the next 3 moves, focusing on sections of this kata, then putting the sections together is a great way to learn this kata.

Heian nidan is an excellent kata for understanding simultaneous block and strike methods. Try and relax and flow through these tricky combinations, a common mistake karateka make is they tighten up when practicing, then the kata becomes very robotic.

Heian Nidan is the required kata for 7th Kyu yellow belt here at SKO.

Some Shotokan Dojo practice this kata with a few differences, but across the Shotokan globe, Heian Nidan remains pretty much the same 🙂


Heian Nidan Kata Tutorial

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