Michael and Stuart Selected For The England Squad 2013!

I am very proud and pleased to inform everyone that Michael Stevenson and Stuart Amos recently tried out for the KUGB England squad at the Red Triangle Dojo and were both successful!

Due to a broken hand, Michael could only enter the Kata selections. When he called me to let me know he was successful, he was an all time HIGH! He could hardly speak, he was so excited. I know he would have not been able to sleep after our call, even though he would have been physically and mentally shattered.

Stuart was selected for both kata and kumite. As Stuart is now studying at Liverpool University, he trains at the Red Triangle, the pressure would have been intense and he would NOT have wanted to disappoint Sensei Sherry, Brennan and Poynton!

On the call Stuart was also extremely excited and I am so proud of  them.

They are an inspiration to all of our students and always show tremendous spirit and attitude. I now have a feeling many more of our students will be fired up and wanting to follow their footsteps.

Ossu Stuart and Michael, from everyone at Zanshin.


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