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  • Shotokan Karate Exercise For Stepping Correctly

January 11, 2020

Shotokan Karate Exercise For Stepping Correctly

Most karateka use momentum and body weight to step forward, these two exercises will help you step correctly. This is a great exercise to get karateka driving off the legs rather than falling forwards and backwards when stepping. Try and put this into all of your stepping, eventually it will become habit.

1. Starting from the yoi (ready) position in shizentai (natural stance).
2. Bend both knees, extend the left arm and place the right arm in the hikite position.
3. Step forward with the right leg by driving off from the left leg, land in front stance and perform an oi-zuki (stepping punch) with the right arm.
4. Slowly pull the right leg back in to the yoi position, leaving the right arm out in the punching position.
5. Step forward with the left leg by driving off from the right leg, land in front stance and perform an oi-zuki (stepping punch) with the left arm.
6. Slowly pull the left leg back in to the yoi position, leaving the left arm out in the punching position.
7. Step back sharply with the left leg by driving back off the right leg, land in front stance and perform an age uke (upper block) with the right arm.
8. Slowly pull the left leg back in to the yoi position, leaving the right arm out in the upper block (age uke) position.
9. Step back sharply with the right leg by driving back off the left leg, land in front stance and perform an age uke (upper block) with the left arm.
10.Slowly pull the left leg back in to the yoi position, dropping the left arm down into the punching position.
11.Repeat from number 1.

Video Coming in the next few days

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