Members of Zanshin karate club travelled to Milton Keynes recently, for the 2014 Bushido Spring Championships, here are the results. Congratulations to everyone who entered 🙂 Ossu!
Marcus Ingham 1st Kata 1st Kumite (19-21) 1st Kumite (22+)
India James 1st Kata
Moses Olal 3rd Kata 3rd Kumite
Scott Englefield 3rd Kata 3rd Kumite
Fran Parton 2nd Kata 2nd Kumite
Jack Hutchins 1st Kata 1st Kumite
Max Willis 1st Kata 2nd Kumite
Daniel Smith 2nd Kata
Harry Stanley 3rd Kata 3rd Kumite
Charlie Stanley 3rd Kata 2nd Kumite
Robbie Sneddon 1st Kata 3rd Kumite
Jamie Sneddon 2nd Kata
Sophie Malone 2nd Kata 3rd Kumite
Sarah Malone 3rd Kata 1st Kumite
Alana Willis 1st Kata
Matthew Parton 3rd Kata 1st Kumite