Zanshin Karate Club Competition

This Sunday (1st December) is our annual karate competition and is being held at Biggleswade Kraate Club, Eagle Farm Road.biggleswade karate competition

Come on down and give it a go! It is only Zanshin members, so it’s a great opportunity if you have never competed before 🙂

Competitions are great for training, you will gain so much ‘karate experience’, just from entering one karate competition and they’re great fun!

We hope to see you all there on Sunday


Zanshin Annual Club Competition 2013

Sunday 1st December
11:00am start

All grades (under 8 years) Kata and Kumite
All grades (under 16 years) Team Kata
White to purple/white belt (8 to 16 years) Kata and Kumite
Brown belt and above (8 to 16 years) Kata and Kumite


1. Under 8 years Kata All Grades

2. Under 8 years Kumite (Sanbon) All Grades

3. 8 years and over, White to purple/white belt Kata

4. White to purple/white belt Kumite (Point fighting)
a. 8-10 years
b. 11-13 years
c. 14-16 years

5. Brown belt and above Kata 8 to 16 years

6. Brown belt and above Kumite
a. 8-10 years
b. 11-13 years
c. 14-16 years

7. All grades Team Kata under 16

Cost £3 one event £5 two events £6 team kata

CLICK HERE for the downloadable form

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